Discover the "Vallée des merveilles"


Hotel Florian, 8 street Commandant André, Cannes


French and English


1 day

Price and availability

From €74

Samuel 👤

« Diplômé d’état accompagnateur en moyenne montage et natif des Alpes-Maritimes, je suis passionné de montagne. »

Program ☑

Follow in the footsteps of the first pastors and discover a site rich in history with remarkable engravings.

Keep in mind ℹ

This experience is accessible to adults and children over the age of 12. Children must be accompanied by an adult. It is also required to be a minimum sportive.

8 people per group. There is no need to book all the seats. Other travellers will be able to live this experience with you.

High and notched shoes, backpack with warm clothing and waterproof jacket, gloves, hat and/or hat, sunglasses, 1L water bottle, energy foods (cereal bars…), picnic.

Our service providers reserve the right, without notice, to cancel an excursion or change its schedule (weather conditions, technical problems, insufficient traffic).

To book

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